Monday 30 August 2010

ik heb het koudddd

seriously it is ridiclous, it feels like winter here. so lemme see, whats up recently...
well. my life isn't exactly bursting with excitement :P but i like it much better that way. yesterday was a good day, i woke up at ten, ate breakfast, went back to sleep until three, and then sat on the couch with my dutch book and my ipod and the laptop for legit like six hours. cos i have a life, and friends, and i'm not a loser. natuurlijk. 
but then i went to floris'and watched movies c: so it was good. we watched the butterfly effect and the bourne identity, both stiflingly good films. duuude, the butterfly effect is sooo screwed up, but so intense! plus ashton kutcher stars in it and doesn't completely suck? i was impressed.

so yeah, that was a good time ^-^ it's nice to have someone to hang out with lol
aaanyway, today i am going to visit twickel and get stuff sorted out with my schedule and stuff i spose. it should be exciting, i get to see the inside of the school. i'm pretty happy to start actually, then i can meet more people. plus it's a new place, so the first day of school is probably going to be so confusing and interesting C: can't wait.
but i dont have to be there until like 330, so i kind of have a while. so bored *-* just jammin' in my jimmy-jams, you know how it is. got my nerdy thick wool socks on, to protect my poorly circulated feet from the cold lol. gonna let you in on a secret, i am totally wearing gloves right now. because it's 55 degrees out right now. YEAH, PROVIDENCE. I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR 90 DEGREE DAY. go to the beach or something :I lol. i'll just be here, drinking tea and crocheting scarves.
i've been drawing a bit too, with lined paper and pens. just like crappy doodles, but it's good practice all the same. i need to keep drawing or else i'll just suck more :P
also we were out of milk today so i totally ate my cereal with pudding in it. SHH DON'T TELL. clearly i know the key components of a balanced breakfast.
there's fruit in it, so that's good.
soo yeah, that's pretty much it for now. if anything of interest happens, i'll keep you posted :D

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