Friday 24 September 2010


today was the first friday that i have actually been present at school :D i was especially proud of myself. for the last two days we've had nice, non-apocalyptic weather. i could actually go outside past 3 o'clock without a coat on! i know!
anyway, of course today the shitstorm returned with lovely, gray overcast skies. luckily, i didnt have class first hour so i got to come in at 930, so it wasnt as cold as it could have been.
unluckily, my first period teacher was sick so i could have slept yet another hour D: FFFFFFF. i spent the hour well though, i finally procured some math textbooks. because i perused the entire stack of dutch textbook of indeterminable subject i have sitting in my locker, and none of them looked full of math. but now i finally have them, so we're all set. i can finally suffer through math class just like all the other kids.
i also went to the library to find a book to read. it gets a little boring sitting in class all day staring into space, so i figured i might as well pick up something to put in my brain XD
i got catch-22, its pretty good so far. i've made a note of several particularly appealing pages so that i can reference the lyrical genius later :P i'm on page 60 now. if your name is sam and you have an undying urge to talk to me about this book, i'll tell you when i'm finished and we can discuss it then XD
by the second break, i was so. so. ready to go home. suzan and i were in the middle of complaining about how we wanted to go home when all of the electricity in the school went out. several minutes later, they evacuated the entire school because of a fire. unrelated to the power-outage entirely. after a very cold 40 minutes outside, they decided to let us all go home. AND THUS I HAVE YET TO HAVE A WEEK OF SCHOOL WITH EVERY CLASS IN IT C:
sidenote: apparently all the power in hengelo went out. all the kids were like OH YEAH SOMETIMES ALL THE POWER IN HENGELO GOES OUT EVEN THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS HAHAHA

hahaha nbd, this kind of thing happens every once and a while.
 after the divine intervention allowing us all to leave, chantal and i biked to her house and hung out for a few hours c: we watched kickass and browsed her itunes, and it was fun :D yay playdates haha.
ALSO, TODAY IS AN IMPORTANT DAY IN HISTORY. tonight we went out for pannenkoeken. and they were SO DELICIOUS. i got a peanut pannenkoek, which included pindakaas, warm vlees, en ui. in otherwords, i ate a giant pizza sized pancake covered in peanut butter and ham for dinner. YES I KNOW. basically it was just sweet sweet guilty food porn, and i admit that such a devious creation probably should not even exist, it's just too wrong. but it was so good.
also popular, the bacon pancake. i plan to get this at some point.

just look at that perfection.
also i had some ijs met slagroom. technically, ice cream with whipped cream but COME ON THE DUTCH WORD IS SLAGROOM how can you not want to eat some of that? anyhow, going to sleep now because me n the americans are trekking to utrecht tomorrow c: let's hope i don't get lost and die!

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