Sunday 5 September 2010


havent blogged in a while because my laptop charger is messed up a bit, but here goes.
friday was an okay day :P i had class and break alternating all day, so i had three free [incredibly boring] hours. also, i was supposed to have economie last period, so i waited through a free hour, and then my teacher was like JK I CANCELLED CLASS YOU CAN GO HOME :D
and i were so upset D: lol
something i have noticed: EVERY FIRST YEAR LOOKS LIKE JUSTIN BIEBER. it is apparently a look here, and it is hilarious to be surrounded by swarms of little three foot tall biebers.

welcome to my life.
anyway c: yesterday i went with my friend suzan to a festival in hengelo called summer square. we met up with her friends there. it was really cool, there were so many good bands and cool things, and now i have more friends c: haha. i spent most of the night with suzan, debby, and anemiyq [SPELLING?]. debby suzan and i are also all going to the oo next week for school, IM HELLA PUMPED. i love the zoo.
anyway, we were there from like 2 to 11:30. we left for a bit to go get ice cream, cos apparently its quite famous in hengelo. it was soooo delicious. i had haelnut, peanutbutter, and banana in a cone <3 <3 lol. since i was out all day and i had a bit of a hangover that morning, all i managed to eat was ice cream and raspberries XD today i want french fries, i miss them badly.
at about 9, we met up with floris [how did he manage to spot me in the crowd? i havent a clue], and spent the rest of the night with him, too. when it got dark, they started playing some good dance music, so we all danced a bit, which was mad fun. i forgot how much i like dancing :D apparently theres some weekly free parties starting up here that were gonna go to.
after that, the music got kinda shitty so we went into hengelo and sat around at this nice outdoor patio for a while. it was MAD COLD by the time i biked home with floris, oh my god. the day started off blazing hot and ended frigid cold haha.
anyhow, no plans for today, so just chillin out. took a really great scalding hot shower, and i noticed that the shampoo we have has shiny rainbow sparkles in it and smells like a tootsie roll. awesome C:

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