Tuesday 21 September 2010


listen to that song once, i dare you. it never goes away.

so guys, i cant decide whether my favorite part of school is walking through the halls trying to figure out how to NOT look like a total loser, or watching white dutch kids do unironic daps. its really a toss up.

also, another fun dutch word. gezellig. it doesnt directly translate into english, but it sort of means cozy/pleasurable/nice? i like it. a lot. it is a good word to describe how i like things to be, and how much dutch people like things to be. other words i like include lekker, natuurlijk, zakje, doof, vet, and [technically a name] jochem.
anyway, today was a good day c: i only had three classes, so i got to leave school at 12:40. after that i biked to hengelo and purchased some sweatpants lol buuut of course they were too long, because everything is too long here. but i got them anyway because i needed a pair for gym so badly. we do craaazy shit in gym. you know all that freaky equipment of questionable safety that they have on the ceilings in american gyms that they probably used back in the seventies but now essentially just collects dust? yeah, we actually use those. on monday we used these swingy hoops to swing by our arms back and forth and do flips n shit. i feel quite muscular now.
anyhow, post-sweatpants, i met up with jelle and we went on an epic quest for pannenkoeken. because we were talking about how ive not had dinner pancakes yet, and how the dutch think its silly and odd that we eat them for breakfast. we walked around for legit like 2 hours XD and we found nothing. apparently there actually is a restaurant for them, outside the centrum. FAIL.
but instead we went to a bar and ate there. fries+applesauce=win. corona=win.
anyway, its super late and i dont have much more to say, next blog will be better. deal? :D

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