is my life.
is also my life.
and now this, thanks to nick,

also my life!
anyway. this week has been pleasurable. tuesday nijmegen met jelle, which was fun c: en i finally worked up the courage to wear my SICK DOUBLEBUNS to school. and people liked them C:
and uhh i actually finished my CKV homework after being 3 weeks behind.
yesterday a jazz concert at metropool, which was really actually very fun. i dont really have time to talk right now, im going to enschede to ice skate for the first time in aaaages, and then wencke is taking me to the party of one of her friends C: and then tomorrow i'm doing the art photoshoot for a girl in my chorus!
also, i joined this other alternative social networking site for dutch people, and ive been trying to speak a bit of dutch to them XD its going well. joepie.
so, uh, today you don't get any snark because my life is a pit of rainbows and fairy sneezes. but i'm sure something will go horridly wrong soon and you will get to hear alllll about it. promise :D
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