today i wound up only having one class, 4th hour bio, because my other class got cancelled. so i got to leisurely get myself to school by 11:45 instead of 9:30. i wasn't going to go at all, and i was actually considering just picking up my bike in hengelo and shopping of a little while instead, but i decided to just show up and endure the hour of nothingness until i could go home again. which, i'm glad i did. today instead of sitting in a void of vapidness, we watched al gore's an inconvenient truth. which ive never seen before. in short, it made me want to cry and go inside and possibly kill myself because of all the seeming hopelessness. but uh, in a good way?
yeah, it was a very good film.
anyway, so that was fun.
yesterday was also a wonderful day!
because of many things. which i think i'll convey to you in list format
1. i discovered the joys of savory oatmeal! i ate cooked rolled oats with salt, pepper, and some shredded cheese with a baked egg on top. OHMYGOD. not only delicious, but filling for hours and hours. you should try it. go on, i'm serious.
i know, the idea is very new and frightening. but trust me. |
like this one. its silly because jellyfish don't even have brains i think, they are not capable of this level of sass. |
in my opinion, it is not exactly fair to put people under the illusion that a subway sub looks anything like this. but still tasty in it's own sad, flat little way. |
also, i wore bunnybuns with my zombie hand bows that day. which got mixed responses-
the group of
buuut two middle aged dudes at the metropool show though i looked festive and gave me a euro each in tips! which, i tried to refuse because i don't think we do that there, but they were already gone by the time i noticed they had even left it for me. i also somehow wound up with two drink tokens that i did not have at the start of the evening? which will probably come in handy sometime. so thanks for that, kind patrons of metropool! also, before i left, the boss handed me 10 euro? and i'm not really sure why? but i was largely pleased C: just y'know, keep it on the dl. paid volunteer work is a thing, right?
5. i met some random dude! meeting people for short, unexpected conversations is always interesting. on my way home i ran into this skater kid with an upside-down cross dutcttaped onto his cap. he said he werked at metropool too and knew alex, so we walked together for a little while. we talked about my exchange, and a girl he knew from boston, and how generally everything is fucked up. lekker je eigen ding doen, y'know?
it was nice, i enjoy that kinda surprise.
so that was my wednesday. when i finally did get home after work, i was bursting with good vibes because of the buildup of all the little things :)
oh! also one other thing. we have another exchange student, emi, staying with us for the next few weeks. she's from argentina.
anyhow. tonight after dinner paula, emi and i are going to visit a hostfamily in enschede, so that'll be a little bit interesting.
then tomorrow, [!!!] we're celebrating wencke's 21st birthday and going out for japanese food! it's a restaurant in enschede called TAO, and i've looked at their sushi menu and it looks extremely nom-able. there are no words for how pumped i am. i've missed sushi @u@ after that, i have to work the graveyard shift at metropool for this grindcore party. i volunteered because it sounded AWESOME, but then i got worried cos it's the same night as my sushi appt, and i was not about to miss that to tap some beers. fortunately, they told me i have to work from 10pm-4am [and bike home], which i didn't know. so actually everything works out fine :D except for the sleeping part. but uh, i wasn't planning on doing that anyway. i can just sleep all of saturday, until i have to go to a birthday party from my other friend melissa. that's like a full day of sleep, i'll be fine.
so yeah. this weekend is gonna be tons of laughs. :)
now, some videos!
dutch sesame street with a favorite number, "zoek de zeep"
bundles of fun for everyone!
dikkie dik the kat:
and the better version:
lastly, i'll leave you with a comedy snippet from my favorite dutch comedian, so far. if you understand dutch, this is hilarious. if you don't, honestly it is probably not very funny at all but you can still watch it to see and be vaguely baffled by what you're missing.
i would also like you to see this, the result of my search for the second comedy sketch:
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uh, yeah youtube, that's exactly that i meant. thanks for that, always lookin' out for me. |
"ronald goedemondt sanex" and have meant
"stratchy na lachy pila tango."
just out of curiousity;
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