i of course lost all control over my face and inadvertently shouted "OH, FUCK!"
cuz thats what you do when someone gets hit by a car.
last week i had my photoshoot with jelle, if you remember back that far. i wasn't really quite sure what we wanted to do, so i just brought a bunch of stuff with me and hoped that it was the right stuff. y'know, communist beret, large pink fake fur shawl, fluffy pink bear onesie. the basics.
it was at his school in apeldoorn, which is a really lovely place. actually, let's be honest. it is kind of only sort of a lovely place. it's a very modern city, so a lot of it is lacking in the "old-timey brothers-grimm sparkle-wonderment" kind of charm that some of the other parts of holland possess.
amsterdam, mmm and all the houses are inhabited by wizards and troll-people! |
oh... hey apeldoorn. yeah, i guess you could be like the "endless plane of concrete desolation" or something, idk whatever. |
predictably, i'm not the most graceful person in front of a camera. i sort of just butt-ed around in my bear suit whilst jelle took pictures XD he definitely managed to catch a few of my chance shining moments, though. after the bear suit we took some normal fotos, but then that got boring. we decided normal fotos would be better drenched in fake blood. so we did that.
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everything is better drenched in fake blood. |
my personal favorites of the day were the ones in the bear suit with the fake blood, it's a look i should really consider sporting on the weekdays. the juxtaposition of how ridiculous it is combined with how i'm just kinda sitting there herpin' my derp is what makes this shot truly beautiful.
glamour shots. |
i got to play photographer for a little while too, and i managed to take some photos of jelle with my exceedingly limited camera skills. it was a fun day c:
after that was a boring stupid day when nothing happened and everything was dull. so i won't blog about that.
but on saturday i went to a concert with debby, annemiek and bente! for my birthday, they bought me tickets to go see this band, only seven left, in hilversum. buuut, since [if you recall] holland picked that particular evening to shit snow gratuitously all over the country, we couldn't go. so then, because they are absolutely amazing, they bought me a ticket to come with them on saturday to the show in haarlem >w<
they played well, it was fun. c: also, i got my picture taken with all of the band members XD also also, i wound up talking to the guitarist of the warmup band, mimi soya, about hardcore bands and how they toured with cobra starship, it was a jolly time. i also scored some free stickers, a button, and their cd! because obviously, chris the guitarist and i are now close personal friends.
lookit that. so close n personal. |
sorry, america. |
actually, the past few days its been hovering around 5-10 degrees, which is roughly 40-50 in normal people tempuratures. i don't have to wear two layers of gloves anymore! it's a joyous occasion. it's also allowed me to build up the will-power to dress in real outfits in the morning sometimes, and not "ohh god its going to be so cold i'm just going to wear this bullshit so that i can sit through the day in preparation for leaving again" clothes. cos sometimes i can be stylish, i promise nederland! just cos you haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it isn't true.
~~insert appropriate segway here~~
yesterday was debby and my audition for my school's cultural night! we didn't actually know what we were doing up until that morning, so we had to find time to practice before. since i rarely have to do anything for anything, i managed to get out of english and music, and i had a tussenuur. so we had those hours of practice. we're doing yellow, by coldplay. first, we lowered it down 2 frets with the capo, so now it's actually legitimately in my range, and then we just practiced the hell out of it. the audition itself went great. i don't think people were expecting much out of two girls looking so grungy as we XD
anyway, the thingy is on march third so we're gonna get crackin' on making it sound godly amazing.
ALSO, the other interesting thing that happened to me yesterday;
somebody spit. on my neck. our school has free levels so you can like throw stuff down and crap, so the 1st floor is always kind of covered with debris. i was standing there and i felt this big wad of liquid land on my neck. i touched it, it was obviously spit, and i was like...
it was pretty much the grossest thing ever.
i was going to run up the stairs, find the first year who has the balls to spit down the stairwell and tear them off,
but then i decided i wanted to wash the spit off in the bathroom instead. a more humane choice, i think.
anyway. after my audition i came home and felt really really painfully ill, i think because i've been eating loads of bread and wheat recently and i almost never do anymore, so my body is like HAHA WHAT? NOOO.
i stayed in bed and basically didn't come out until 10 o'clock this morning. today i felt better though, so at like 2 i got dressed and decided to go "wandelling" in the "lekker weer" we've been having :)
i usually go out towards the animal farm when i leave my house, but today i decided to do some adventuring and find out what happens if you go the other way. i found the hospital and walked by it, because there were some pretty duckponds on the side. then, i saw this little old church that you could walk through. sorrrta like a secret portal to another dimension. y'know. i walked through, and it was really beautiful and serene and just nice. but, on the other side, i couldn't believe my eyes. apparently, there is a huge section of borne, old borne, that i didn't even know existed until now. it's filled with quaint cobblestone streets, ADORABLE old houses, and big windows so you can creep and see inside everybody's beautiful living space. it reminded me of some of the older houses in providence a bit, they kind of have that "carriage-house" appeal.
actually, remember that "old-timey brothers-grimm sparkle-wonderment" charm i was talking about before? this place like, invented that. i seriously thought i was going to cry tears of pixiedust, my face was like
the illusion was of course shattered when i walked a little further and wound up outside the library on my route home from school, which is not where i was expecting to be at all. borne is a dorp of MAZES and TRICKS.
also, the library is apparently directly on the other side of the hospital i began at. which freaks me out, i did not know that. as of today, i now have a better understanding of how borne internally connects to itself.
basically, i can't believe i lived here for 6 months and didn't even realize that this wonderland-y anachronism existed. paula said she didn't know about it for the first 6 years she lived here. if you don't have any business there, it isn't really the kind of place you'd just stumble into on the way to where you're headed. unless you're me, and you're headed nowhere and looking for adventure. which i always am.
so that was my fun discovery story of the day. i spent the rest of today napping and listening to dubstep on the couch.
tomorrow i have my volunteer thing for AFS with paula and jelle in coevorden. n then jelle is staying over for the night :3 YAY SLUMBER PARTY.
plus this weekend is pre-valentimes day. oh sweet lordy, i can't believe its been a year since last valentine's day. freaky.
anyway, i'll keep you all posted. <3