oh, the good old days. thank amy for the photo |
shall i start off with a brief description of today? yes, i shall. today feels like the coziest day that ever was. it is warm, and i got to sleep in 'till 11, i have absolutely no obligations except finishing my sinterklaas surprise, and i am currently surrounded by cats. there's snow outside, warm tea and sweaters inside, and i could not *possibly* be more content. this, dear friends, is what i was born to do. what life was made for. it's like watching a blizzard with a cup of hot cocoa whilst wrapped in a blanket, but the blanket is wrapped in baby kittens.
i think *everyone* needs a kitten-pile. |
also, for some reason, the heating unit in my room decided to turn on today, for the first time. ever. what once was a frosty cave of terror and dread is now deliciously tosty. seriously, i avoided going to my room because it was so chilly. but i woke up this morning and i could take off the covers without wanting to curl up and die! huge occassion, volgens mij. i am taking it as a birthday present from the house. it was so cozy and nice in my room that after i woke up i decided to stay in bed and
don't judge me. jewelquest is physically addictive. when i first got my phone, i was like
"what a crap game. never gonna play this." but, necesity forced me to eventually play it to keep the unbearable boredom at bay. at first i only played it in geography class, and i was like "ehhh this game is lame."
but now, i cannot stop. i am on level 25, get at me. i need to keep playing, just to see how many levels there are. not like they are particularly interesting levels, but the mindless droning actions one must perform to succeed are what make my world spin 'round. you may say my brain is melting, it's plausible. but I say i'm just developing the area of one's brain set aside for being unforgivably good at jewelquest. MY BRAIN IS THRIVING THANKS TO JEWELQUEST.
you don't know my life. |
it was so, so yummy. i love fancy eating @w@
the first thing we got was a shot glass full of pumpkin-orange juice soup and a cream cheese puff. one does not expect pumpkin and orange juice to be a super combination, but let me assure you IT WAS. it was all warm and spiced and creamy and i'm pretty sure i would have been satisfied if that were the only thing i ate that night. the cream cheese puff was also yummy.
then we had a raw fish/cold cut/something else course and i was like :I. but it was good.
n then we had a fish course, and a bird course with one little delicious bitterball. it was all very rich and warm and nice.
then, the main course was beef on top of mashed potatoes with sauce, and then one carrot and one french fry, precariously perches on top of a single potato. cos i guess they thought we'd only be needing one. which, to be fair, wasn't inaccurate.
basically it was so delicious i just wanted to sleep forever. you know what i mean? @w@
then for dessert we had caramelized pineapple slice [singular] with granola, a tiny piece of apple crumble, two white chocolate mousse stripes, and a scoop of ice cream. WHICH WAS HEAVENLY.
after that we had tea and coffee, and i was like ehh, i dont really want tea and coffee. but then, i saw that tea and coffee come with a plate of gourmet koffiekoekje selection. SO I NEEDED TEA AND COFFEE.
i was very content with my cookie assortment. they were delicious.
so that was a super gezellig night <3
i was going to pretty much stop talking right about now, but that was before i went with wencke and gjalt this afternoon to the plant superstore, intratuin. i assumed it would be your average plant filled warehouse, but i was so, so very wrong. it was the place that dreams, mine in particular, are made of. it's better than ikea. it rivals storyland. i need to go back and photographically document every inch of it.
just to give you an idea, the entrance has a river surrounded with giant red mushrooms and small fluffy animals. in the river, sit three bobbing purple flowers. and in each flower sits a laughing babydoll dressed up like a fairy. interspersed throughout the building are various lifesized stuffed deer, suits of armor, and elements of woodland holiday cheer. I AM NOT SHITTING YOU. it is absolutely magical. also, huge.
they have a bazillion christmas trees, indoor plants, ornaments, componants of miniature holiday town dioramas, pet supplies, house decorations, fireworks, and other generally ethereal things to spritz around your living space. in addition to this, they also offer a wide assortment of food in their cafeteria. ikea, eat your heart out.
i was fantasizing about how i could spent the entire day there when i realized that no, actually, i could spend my entire life there. they sell pillows shaped. like. toadstools. they sell snow white disembodied elk heads. anything you could possibly need to pimp out your santaland, they can sell to you.
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the real deal. |
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some prime snapshots of the holiday wonderment |
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notice the babydoll flower fairies. |
so basically, what you should take away from this blogpost is that i am almost seventeen, and i would enjoy nothing more than to be locked in intratuin playing jewelquest and eating gourmet koffiekoekjes for the rest of eternity. i know what you're thinking,
but you are so wrong. u_u i promise.
your blog is infinitely better than mine. wtf.