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of course when i had pounds of this stuff at my disposal i didn't want it at all. BUT NOW |
first period i had gym, which promised a whole new world of wonderment and pain, as it does every week. last week was alternative volleyball, the week before was super gymnastic rings, what else could this week contain?
flips with the spring board and dodgeball, obviously. double the excitement!
not like it was immidiately apparent. what usually happens in gym class is i show up and the room is full of large scary gym equipment with indeterminable function. i.e. spring boards, vaulting horses, and i'm pretty sure i've seen a harness hanging from the ceiling. then the gym lady talks a lot in dutch and makes lots of athletic hand gestures, using words like "important" and "two times". then i assume the worst and go to the back of the line of kids and watch intently to see what the other students do. we usually wind up doing something that amounts to a mishmash of elementary school gym class scooter/beanbag games and actual, dangerous sports.
it doesn't help that i barely feel like participating before i even know what we are doing, because my sweats fit me like harem pants and i have little to no athletic ability, but i put on a brave face. anyway, for the first half of class we took turns running up to the spring board, vaulting into the air, and doing a large mid-air somersault. it was actually kinda fun, besides being terrifying. the other half of class we played super dodgeball, which wasn't so bad either.
so far, gym class here is not only 1000x more interesting than in america, it's also generally just more bearable. probably because i only have it once a week, you be the judge.
also today, i had my presentation about providence for dutch class. it made me nervous and i basically just was like "um providence is full of losers who you would probably make fun of. but its okay, they would make fun of your faggy shoes too."
except not really. i actually tried to give legitimate facts and things, it went well.
after that, i had geography, which has the two boys in it that í've been trying to determine are either twins or the same person. in case you couldn't tell, i have deduced that they are twins. so that was definitely a highlight of my day. another highlight of my day, listening to AMERICA, FUCK YEAH on my ipod on class? it came on shuffle and it made me feel instantly guilty and shameful, in only the most wonderful of ways.
because we invented wax lips and the alamo. |
then i stopped and bought snap peas and blueberries, because i decided i needed a gluten free vegan pick me up for the afternoon. they were really good blueberries, too. which i'm glad they were, since they set me back three euro. i probably should think it's a crime to be charged that much for blueberries and i probably would, had i not wanted them more than life itself at the time.
and now i'm here, on my computer, typing to you.
FUN FACT ABOUT MY HOUSE: the ratio of artistic cat sculptures in my living room to artistic rooster sculptures in my living room is 17 : 11. and i'm counting the three pictures of roosters on the wall. i don't feel like i have to say anything else except MY LIVING ROOM HAS SEVENTEEN CAT SCULPTURES IN IT. fairly large cat sculptures, too. i think there might even be a few that have seeped into my room. slowly the cat sculptures are multiplying and conquering.
we are waiting for you. |
anyway, i think that's pretty much all i have to say at the moment. i'm gonna go enjoy the freak accident that is today's nice weather <3
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