Monday 28 February 2011

being alive is hard. *super special unedited late post!

i am now transporting you back in time to a month ago. woOoOoowoOoOwoowoOoOoOoo~
 i am wearing a snuggie right now. that should give you an idea of how terrible my day was. let me explain;
every half year, they change the rosters at school and everyone gets a new schedule. all of my friends found their rosters online, but when i looked for mine i couldn't find it anywhere. which i wasn't really surprised about, since i'm not on a lot of the mailing lists and things, but i'm not sure which ones i'm not on cos y'know... i'm not on them.
so i was just kinda like "o-kay. i'll just ask about it monday."
the exchange students get all sad when you forget that they exist.

what i didn't realize is that the new roster started today. so i came into school first hour all ready for gym, and no one from my class was there. because on the new roster we don't have gym until second hour.
so i was like "uh craaap, i am probably supposed to be somewhere, i am a failure and they are going to be mad at me." because i figured that by some power of divine psychic connection, i was supposed to have my roster already. or something. i imagined the office people sitting around with a little pile of un-fetched exchange student rosters, collecting dust from not being picked up.

i ran into matt, the hungarian exchange student, in the hallway, so we went up to the administration to ask for our rosters. basically i was kinda like "it kinda sucks that they didn't tell us we had to pick up our schedules, but its my fault for not going earlier to get it." i thoughtthat them not emailing us anything or telling us anything meant that they expected us to get our asses over there and ask. doop de doop off we went to go apologize for waiting/ sort stuff  out.
when we got to the office, we were like "oh hey, can we have our rosters? cos we don't have them yet."
and the guy was like
"UHHH funny thing about that. i haven't actually made those yet. i'll get on that"

.... :| YOU WHAT.
so you're telling me that not only do we recieve absolutely zero information on how this system works or where our new schedules are or even that the schedules do, in fact, change, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THEM?
and you didn't think maybe "oh hey we should probably tell them not to come to school since they don't have rosters yet" or possibly "maybe we should give them something to do for the day because they don't have rosters yet"
because having us show up at school at 8.45 in the morning and not even have an inkling of a place to be because we ARENT ENROLLED IN ANY CLASSES was not a very well thought out plan.
like, i don't get it. what were they gonna do if we hadn't gone to go get our schedules, were they just gonna not make them at all?
*huff* anyway. so we sat in the hallway for the first two hours. after that i pointed out that they were definitely not going to have our schedules done by the end of the day, and maybe we could ask to just go home, since its pointless and stupid to have to wait around if we have no classes to be in. so we went to one of the office people and asked. and he told us to follow the roster of another girl out of our class. which, uh, good fine, but you couldn't have maybe started off with that plan? like two hours ago, when we asked the first time? instead of just leaving us to die? also, this girl had class until like 6th hour, which is BULLSHIT.
so i went to english class, helped out with my cvk project for a while, and then went home. because hey, i am not going to two extra hours of class that i'm not even in just because you forgot i exist.
like okay. i know i'm being rude about this, but really? i don't even. meh.
also, i have a bunch of other stuff crammed into the next three or so days and its FREAKING ME OUT and i do not want. that is all.

but enough about how i hate everything. let's talk a little bit about how i love everything! namely cats.
this weekend was actually quite good c: okay, maybe some of it was a little bit rotten. but only the beginning part!
saturday i had my taaltoets in utrecht, which i just narrowly made it to. first i missed my train by about .03 of a second, so while i had originally planned myself an hour to leisurely walk to the location of the test from the station, i wound up with 10 minutes. which woulda been cool, had it not been a 15 minute walk. through fucking maze-ville.
also apparently utrecht enjoys being sneaky jerks with their street signs, so that was fun.
nah it's cool, i'll find it.
BUT, i did make it, AND i had enough time to literally sprint-dash through the albert heijn to go and pick up a big american triple chocolate cookie.
which i then ate for breakfast before the test, for that extra boost of sugar energy.
the test itself was split into two parts, a reading and a listening. first was the reading. i had expected the reading part to be easier than the listening part, cos you can read at your own pace.
i had not expected that the subject matter of the reading part was completely ridiculous. they let you use a dictionary, but oddly enough that doesn't really help when trying to decode an informative pamphlet on laminated flooring. or a set of instructions for accepting shipments of food in a restaurant. or an application to have one's curtains washed.
the choice of odd reading material was to make sure nobody had a vocabulary advantage, i think. anyway, i think i did okay on that.
then we stopped for lunch and chilled out for a while. which was completely necessary. i had a krentenbol met  kaas. aka a raison roll with cheese. but the krentenbollen didn't come with cheese already in them, so i had to sneakily steal a piece of cheese from one of the other sandwiches.
i don't know why i think raisons and cheese are a wonderful combination.

thenn onto the luistertoets! which was actually easier than the other part :D admittedly, some of the questions were still a little weird ["can you tell us something about the chairs in your stadium?"] but it was a lot more fluid to understand than the reading part. though, remaining an active listener was difficult. in the first interview i was all like "yeah sarah, tell us about your job in the vegetable aisle at the supermarket!"
but then by the third or fourth interview my mind had definitely wandered to other places. so i sort of had to patch together some of the question answers.
all in all though, i definitely passed. which is good, because if i hadn't learned dutch i would probably feel worse about not doing much of anything else all year. C:
once the test was over, artur, jelle's hostbrother, and i went out into utrecht to look around a little.
we were walking down the street when something caught my eye.
is this real life?

... i did a double-take. in the window of a store, stood several boxes of american cereal. captain crunch, cheerio's, apple jacks. upon closer inspection, i also saw a giant box of reese's cups. OBVIOUSLY we had found meccha and NEEDED to go in.
my prayers were answered. they had almost legitimately every american thing that i'd been complaining about. duncan hines cakemixes and frostings, dehydrated milk, syrup, fluff, shortening, reese's cups, corn syrup, instant arizona tea, pretzel m&ms. IT WAS AMAZING. unfortunately, i didn't purchase anything because the idea of carrying around a box of cereal for the day was not appealing. BUT when i go back to utrecht, i know where i'm headed.
that's their website. i almost melted. THEY HAVE LUCKY CHARMS AND POP-TARTS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.
it was literally an amazing experience.
thenn artur n i went and got sushi, and then i walked around n stuff, n then i went to paula's sisters house to sleep.
the end!
the next day i went to a cat show with paula but ill talk about that later c:

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