Sunday 21 November 2010

today has been a sorely trying day.

a sorely trying daywith an exceedingly happy ending. this is a pretty complain-y post, not gonna lie. sometimes i am a bratty shit, this is one of those times. sorry :<

this morning started off rough. i did not want to get out of bed, at all. as i was groggily eating my breakfast and checking my email, i found i'd gotten some hatemail. so that was a good start to the day. essentially, what i wanted to do was sit on the couch and filterfeed until it was a socially acceptable hour to go back to sleep again.
today i had 5 hours of school. usually, at least one of my classes falls out. pretty much every day, actually. wednesday, for example, 4 of my classes fell out. FOUR OF THEM. THAT IS 2/3. i was at school for two hours and then i got to go home and drink tea all day.
but today, i actually had things to do. i had a hair appointment for 4 o'clock, and i also had to bake. i thought, "oh! if one of my classes falls out, i can leave early, bake, and then go to my hair appt while i wait for it to cool." FLAWLESS PLAN!
except, obviously, today, none of my classes fell out. i sat through every stagnant hour. also, my last period economy class let out whenever you finished the homework. which i dont do, which means i actually *could* have left an hour earlier. D: urr.
so i got out of school and biked sadly to my hair appointment. which was okay, i guess. i got to drink 2 cups of tea and read magazines. but she cut my bangs all funny, because she parted my hair in the middle. even though i came in with it parted to the side. i am confused by her logic and apparent lack of knowledge on how to cut bangs and have them not look like straw, but i'll deal with it.
after that, i stopped by the post office to pick up a package from my parents c: i biked it home, but didnt have time to open it just yet. because i had to get baking.
baking is serious business. you have to pay attention. you have to pay attention and not reach into the pre-heated oven to take out one of the oven racks with only one oven mit on. especially when you are baking something for which time-is-of-the-essence and running over to your laptop to look up "how to treat a mild burn" is not exactly convinient.
besides that, it wasn't too traumatic an experience, and it went pretty stellar.
also, i have learned that mixing batter, trying to work the insta-coffee machine, and nursing a burn simultaniously is a rather difficult task. its like a game show where you have to do a bunch of stuff at once, except the grand prize is a panic attack and a brain aneurism. :D
anyway, with baked good safely in oven, i decided to sit on the couch and wallow in my own pity for a while. but oh! i had forgotten my package.
i slowly tore open the cardboard box, and what i saw filled my soul with utter, sweet steamy melty applepie a-la-mode and glitter pony rainbow lasers of glee.
on top of the box sat a 20 pack of celestial seasonings apple cinnamon teabags.

under that was 4 boxes of pumpkin pie poptarts.

yet under that was an issue of nylon, an issue of psychology today, and the latest urban outfitters catalogue, on which my mother had sharpied in commentary.
my possibly 1st degree throbbing blisterburn? NNNNNNG PUMPKIN PIE TOASTER PASTRY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS
my steaming pile of internet hatred? CROCHET HOTPANTS I CAN'T EVEN.
erm, excuse me.
needless to say, without my package i would probably be having an emotional breakdown right now. possibly in the middle of the kitchen floor, covered in batter, sobbing and cradling my lightly singed claw-hand. who can say.
now, for a product review:
pumpkin pie pop-tarts.
take into account, that i have 1/3 of an actual pumpkin pie sitting in my crisper. so these were only a meer knock-off. they were totally delicious, all toasted n everything, but they did not fill the void in my heart where pumpkin pie goes. they were warm, pumpkin pie is cold. they were also rather cinnamon-y. with 200 calories per pop-tart, you would be better off eating an actual piece of pumpkin pie.
that said, if you don't have an actual pumpkin pie awkwardly stashed in the fridge like i do, these make a pretty rockin' substitute. they are probably the best flavor of pop-tart. they are better than cinnamon and brown sugar. I KNOW, INCONCEIVABLE.
so yeah, thought i'd mentally drool a little bit about my day. i have more to talk about, but this post is about my package. C: ur hur.

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