meh so tired @_@ i feel like an idiot when i just have to look at people blankly half the time, not understanding what they say. and i'm sure they feel kinda dumb too when they have to speak reeeeal slowly for me. it helps, though c:
today i woke up way early, so i went downstairs and spent some time making my scarf and hanging out with the dog. okay so, they play crystal castles and the bloodhound gang on the radio here. yeah, it
is wonderful. :>
at like 1, wencke and i walked to town to buy dinner and browse around :D we went to HEMA [<3 <3] and i finally picked up some nail polish :DDD which is good because i had to leave all mine in america. as we know, i love painting my nails. a lot. so i bought a deep purple :> then we went to the store and bought dinner stuffs.
after that, we went into the costume shop and looked around. OMG IT IS SO GOOD. they have everything you could ever want in every color. animal suits, fancy steampunk pirate coats, nurse, mermaid, SAILOR, fake traditional german dress, princesses. freaking everything. and practically everything in
pink. i cant wait for a good occasion to dress up C: 'cept, everything is too big for me, so i have to buy the largest child sizes. yeah. :/ lol also, they sell slippers that look like clogs. so now i know what i am buying everyone in the states for a present. one stop shopping!
yeah, you're excited. i know i am certainly going to buy a pair. |
thennn we walked home in the rain.
umnm i tried hagelslag today too. PROBS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER since it's just bread, butter, and choco sprinkles. wencke told me it's quite common to have a sandwhich with just hagelslag for lunch. which sounds really funny to my american brain, a sprinkle sandwhich. but no objections here C:
[sidenote to american parents: of course i'm eating enough health food. what are you talking about? sugar is a vegetable.]
we were bored after that so we made sugar cookies c: we cut them into shapes like hearts and bows and cocktail glasses and shoes. we ran out of ideas after like 5 shapes so they kept getting more obscure.
but then when we baked them, they all mushed together and turned into vaguely shaped blobby things? so we had fun trying to remember what they were originally haha. we also bought gingerbread cake mix to make tomorrow? c:
when mom got home she took me out to try to buy a bike because the ones they have are too big. buuuut, every bike shop in borne is closed on monday, for some reason. why knew? so i'll have to wait until tomorrow. it'll be kinda cheap though, for a bike. only like 60 euro. wencke showed me where to buy spray paint so i can decorate it C: so pumped. i'm thinking maybe teal? girls also are fond of putting plastic flowers on their bikes, which is ssssuper cute, i think. i'll buy some of those too.
here i am not able to be picky about food. in fact, i'm not picky at all. today, i ate mushrooms for the first time. as sam and my dad know, MUSHROOMS CREEP ME THE HELL OUT.
because they are creepy as hell. look at them! they obviously have something evil planned. |
they're weird, and ew. just- ew. @_@ but i ate them and they were totally fine c: i didn't die and i practically didn't even notice i was eating them. [if i didn't think about it really hard.]
another thing, LIFE IS EXPENSIVE. holy crap. i came here with 120 dollars and i now have like 40 euro. i havent even gotten anything! hur dur.
i can't wait to get my bike and go to hengelo, i want to shop real bad c:
also, can't wait to start school! i need to make some friends here, because i'm a little bit lonely. i'm pretty freaked out of the dutch youth, too. intimidated like. they are all really cool and pretty and also can talk to each other without sounding like a buttface. but i guess i just have to overcome that and make friends!:P
well, i, uh... no, it's okay, disdainful attractive teen girl. i'll just be on my way now. *gulp* |
tomorrow i'm going to throw myself into my dutch learning. i decided that every other day should be SPEAK ONLY IN DUTCH day, so that i can learn. i expressed that i'm gonna sound like a total doof, misusing words and murdering grammer with my bare hands, but i need to learn somehow. and what better way to learn then to try?
so yeah, tomorrow will be a really busy, difficult day. AM I READY FOR THE CHALLENGE? we'll see.
tot ziens, until next time!
[sidenote: none of these pictures are taken by me yet, because i can't hook up the camera yet. i have several pictures of my cats stocked up. YEAH, i know you want to see them, they are cats.]